HomePage Forums Troubleshooting Contacts not showing on WATCHU voice or call list

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This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  WATCHU Support 7 years, 12 months ago.

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  • #556

    If you’re experiencing an issue where you have stored numbers in the Family List on the app but you’re unable to see the contacts on the WATCHU or make/receive calls from the contacts try the following steps:

    First, ensure the WATCHU has signal – you should see an icon similar to this  on the top left of the WATCHU screen

    If you see anything else, please read the following guide:
    WATCHU Connection Issues

    IF you have a signal, ensure that you can make a data connection to the WATCHU
    The easiest way to do this would be to try getting a location update or using the LOCATE WATCH function.

    To use LOCATE WATCH, press the menu button (three horizontal lines on TOP LEFT of MAP SCREEN)
    THEN press Watch Settings
    This will cause the WATCHU to ring

    If it does not, there is no data connection
    Please read the WATCHU Connection Issues article for assistance

    IF you’re able to locate the watch, and the WATCHU is not showing the contacts in the call list, go to the Family List on the app and check that the number is stored correctly and in the correct format without any spaces or special characters

    In the US this would be
    The number 408-872-6822 would be stored as 4088726822
    408 872 6822
    (408) 8726822

    In the UK this would be
    The number 07123456789 would be stored as 07123456789
    0712 3456 789
    (44) 7123456789

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