HomePage Forums Troubleshooting Frozen !

Topic Resolution: Resolved

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  WATCHU Support 7 years, 5 months ago.

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    My watch has completely frozen! The display is showing time and signal etc, but has not moved and is not responding to any buttons being pressed or switching off. How can i reset?



    Can you please email me the watchu telephone number so I can help you resolve this.
    Please also Pop the SIM card out half way, press the SOS button to switch the watchu off,
    wait a few minutes, pop the SIM back in then switch the watch back on again.

    I look forward to you emailing me the number so we can get this all synced up again.

    Kind Regards
    WATCHU Technical Support Team
    USA: 408-872-6822 Mon-Fri 4am-5pm EST
    UK: 01792 342 708 Mon-Fri 8am-10pm

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