HomePage Forums SIM and WATCHU Connectivity WATCHU Connectivity I can make calls but my watch is no longer tracking

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This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  WATCHU Support 7 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #1044

    Please note: If you are using you’re own SIM card for the WATCHU you will likely need to update the settings on the watch to match those of your SIM card provider

    To set the correct APN settings to the watch you will need to send an SMS text message from a mobile with the appropriate code below, the SMS should match the code EXACTLY with no spaces and be sent to the WATCHU SIM telephone number

    If using the provided SIM and connecting for the first time does not work, or if you changed back to the included SIM, use the CPR Chameleon SIM settings

    Provider SMS to send to WATCHU number
    CPR Chameleon SIM (included) #862182,STAPN:mobiledata,0,0,,0,,,,,


    Provider SMS to send to WATCHU number
    Vodafone – Pay As you Go #862182,STAPN:pp.vodafone.co.uk,0,0,,0,,,wap,wap,
    Vodafone – Contract #862182,STAPN:wap.vodafone.co.uk,0,0,,0,,,wap,wap,
    Asda Mobile


    #862182,STAPN:everywhere,0,0,,0,,,eesecure,secure, #862182,STAPN:everywhere,0,0,0.
    O2 – Contract #862182,STAPN:mobile.o2.co.uk,0,0,,0,,,o2web,password,
    O2 – Pay As You Go #862182,STAPN:payandgo.o2.co.uk,0,0,,0,,,payandgo,password,
    giffgaff #862182,STAPN:giffgaff.com,0,0,0.0.
    TalkMobile #862182,STAPN:payg.talkmobile.co.uk,0,0,,0,,,wap,wap,
    Tesco Mobile – ALL SIMS #862182,STAPN:prepay.tesco-mobile.com,0,0,,0,,,
    BT Mobile #862182,STAPN:btmobile.bt.com,0,0,,0,,,bt,bt,
    Virgin Mobile #862182,STAPN:goto.virginmobile.uk,0,0,,0,,,user,,

    Please ensure that there is no zero in the number (see image below)


    And then resend the APN to the watch (see image below)


    If using the provided SIM and connecting for the first time does not work, or if you changed back to the included SIM, use the CPR Chameleon SIM settings

    To set the correct APN settings to the watch you will need to send an SMS text message from a mobile with the appropriate code below, the SMS should match the code EXACTLY with no spaces and be sent to the WATCHU SIM telephone number

    If the settings have been accepted by the WATCHU you will receive a SMS response reading “APN set OK”

    Turn off the watch, sign out of the app and then tunr on the watch and sign in on the app. This way should work perfectly.

    Kind regards.

    WATCHU Technical Support Team
    USA: 408-872-6822 Mon-Fri 4am-5pm EST
    UK: 01792 342 708 Mon-Fri 8am-10pm

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